
In this article i will focused introduce how to configure V2rayG client on Linux.

You may seen my this article to learn how to use tls and ws to comfortably surfing. And you may think what hell are you writing…OK, it’s my error. So today i will share a very very very simple way to tell you how to comfortably surfing.

Some preparations:

You must have a VPS and domain(have bond your VPS’s IP).

My VPS server information.

Quick start:

Load script(the following oprerations are base on your VPS server)

Login your VPS server and inputbash <(curl -L -s | tee v2ray_ins.log and input 1.

In this process, you also need correctly input your domain.

After execute this script you will get a QR code. If your v2rayG’s version is Windows, scan this QR code(if you do not know how to install v2rayG on Windows you can see this article.)

Startup BBR

yum install wget && wget --no-check-certificate && chmod +x && ./

Check your pretend website

Open your browser and input your domain, this script has helped you to apply for SSL and auto install Ngnix so you can see your websit.

Config V2rayG client on Windows

In last article i have written how to configure it.

Config V2rayG on Linux(the following oprerations are base on your v2ray client)

  • 1): open and copy its contents to a file named

  • 2): open and download

  • 3): make and under the a directory(such as cp Dir && cd Dir)

  • 4): sudo bash --local ./ and check v2ray’s status sudo systemctl status v2ray

  • 5): get confiuration file

    • open your Windows client and Export selected server for client configuration and rename it config.json

    • cd /etc/v2ray using this new config.json to replace the old config.json

    • check status sudo systemctl status v2ray

  • 6): But you still can not comfortably surfing such as Google

    • Firefox:

      the Port is your v2ray Lisent port(if you do not know your portsudo netstat -pantu | grep v2ray).

    • Googel Chrome(due to it has not agent setting it should install an extension named: SwitchOmega) and how to configure SwitchyOmega you can see this article to get more detail.

    • proxychains:

      $ sudo pacman -S proxychains

      vim /etc/proxychains.conf add one line socks5 [port] information in the bottom

      such as:

        # add proxy here ...
        # meanwile
        # defaults set to "tor"
        #socks4 9050
        socks5 10808

      usage: proxychains [your application], such as: proxychains ping