Compress Commands
zip and unzip
Some common parameters:
options | explanation |
-d |
unzip to custom directory. |
-D | zip the file without directory. |
-F | try to fix broken file. |
-g | compress directory including have been compressed directory instead of create a new compressed file. |
-m | after compressing, delete sourse file. |
-q | not show the process of compressing. |
-r | recursion. |
-S | compress directory including conceal files. |
common use:
$ zip -r -q zip-name $HOME/[your directory]
$ zip -r -q zip-name *
if this file at your directory
$ unzip zip-packages
unzip all files without directory (not recommend).
$ unzip zip-packages -d my-dirctory
unzip all files into a directory named my-directory.
unrar and rar
Some common parameters:
options | explanation |
-e | extract files without dirctory |
-p | print extract infomation |
-x | extract files with complete path |
common use:
$ rar a c.rar *.c
compress all of C file under the current directory into a package named c.rar.
$ unrar x c.rar
extract with full paths.
Some common parameters:
options | explanation |
-c | create new Archive |
-x | common compress |
-z | compress with gzip |
-v | show compress process |
-f | use Archive name and it the last parameter |
-r | compress file into a tail of exiting Archive file |
common use:
$ tar -cf c.tar *.c
compress all of C file under the current directory into a Archive named c.tar.
$ tar -rf c.tar *.cpp
add all of CPP file under the current directory into a tail of exiting Archive file.
$ tar -czf c.tar.gz *.py
after compress an Archive file named c.tar, use gzip
to compress this file named c.tar.gz.
some conclusions:
command | easy usage |
*.tar | tar -xvf |
*.gz | gzip -d & gunzip |
*.tar.gz & *.tgz | tar -xzf |
*.bz2 | bzip2 d & bunzip2 |
*.tar.bz2 | tar -xjf |
*.rar | unrar x |