Some applications on manjaro linux
Update system source
$ sudo pacman-mirrors -c China
$ sudo pacman -Syyu
Teamviewer: GUI remote tool
$ sudo pacman -S teamviewer
$ sudo vim /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/desktop/com.teamviewer.TeamViewer.desktop
# modify this line:
# Execute=/bin/sudo /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer passwd 123456
Netease cloud music
$ sudo pacman -S netease-cloud-music vlc
$ sudo vim /usr/share/applications/netease-cloud-music.desktop
# modify this line:
# Execute=/opt/netease/netease-cloud-music/netease-cloud-music %U
$ sudo pacman -S
# add the following lines in your /etc/pacman.conf
$ vim /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
$sudo pacman Syu
$sudo pacman -S gnome-settings-daemon
# excute=/usr/lib/gsd-xsettings //it will became a daemon process hanging out your system
# open your pamc or other application managements to run tim
redshift: a tool for protecting your eyes, but it needs ro extra configuration.
wqy-microhei: a open source Chinese font for free.
git: a tool for downloading github code and you need to study its some syntax.
wget: a download tool for CLI supporting http,ftp.
vim: a very powerful editor and you can go my github to see more information about my configuration of vimrc.
zsh: beautify terminal and you can go to find more theme.(but i recommend you to use fish)
exfat-utils: a package support exfat.
gvfs-mtp: it can mount Android phone.
bluez和bluez-utils: blue tooth model package.
firefox, firefox-i18n-zh-cn: firefox and its Chinese install package.
google-chrome: Google browser. [deepin-wine]: it is similar with QQ.
screenfetch: a funny tool.
neofetch: a funny tool.
lolcat: a fucking funny tool and if you use it with screenfetch or neofetch you will get more surprise.
file-roller: desktop GUI unzip tool.
unarchiver: use CLI to unzip and support command of unar、lsar
p7zip: a very popular unzip tool.
kchmviewer: chm file browser management.
evince: support PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt)
deepin-calculator: deepin version calculator.
flameshot: a powerful and easy to use tool for screen shuter.
deepin-screenshot: deepin screen shuter.
deepin-picker:a tool for take colors.
deepin-screen-recorder: deepin record screen tool.
deepin-movie: deepin video palyer.
vlc: a powerful open source video palyer for all platform.
xmind-zen: mind mapping.
wps-office: Chinese version of office WPS.
ttf-wps-fonts: Chinese font package of WPS office, which is you must to install if you want to install WPS.
krita: the alternative of photoshop, Krita is professional painting tool for free and open source.
gimp: the alternative of photoshop, GIMP is free, open source and freedom.
baidupcs-go: CLI version of baidu pan download.
uget: aria2download tool, need to configure.
baidunetdisk-bin [aur]: baidu pan disk.
browser360[aur]: 360browser.
360zip [aur]: 360zip.
mitalk [aur]: a powerful chat application on any platform.
jmtpfs [aur]: mount phone package.
$ jmtpfs /path
$ fusermount -u /path
Another applications:
dmidecode: it can show some information of hardware.
$ sudo dmidecode -t memory // show memory information.
Development tools:
postman-bin: api test tool.
visual-studio-code-bin: vscode.
android-tools: android debug tool.
jetbrains-toolbox [aur] : jetbrains family software management tools.
wechat-devtools [aur]
another-redis-desktop-manager [aur]: redis management tool.